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Bibliographische Informationen
ISBN/EAN: 9783895949388
Sprache: Englisch
Seiten: 80 S., 9.60 MB
Auflage: 1. Auflage 2016
Format: PDF
Digitale Rechteverwaltung: Digitales Wasserzeichen


The companion book for the first diving course.More and more kids and teens want to learn to dive. "Let's dive" is an excellent illustrated guide. The self-explanatory step-by-step-illustrations and the easy-to-understand texts explain in clear and simple terms and in a very interesting and entertaining manner. This book support the learning up to the first diving certificate.Many practical tips and hints make the book an ideal companion for young divers.


Stephanie Naglschmid is an illustrator, graphic designer, publisher and artist for fine art. Her hobbies are reading and writing books, snorkeling, diving.Other activities:Since 1984 owner of the publishing house Stephanie Naglschmid with the topics diving, nature and healthSince 2001 Art Director of the specialist magazine DIVEMASTER. Web design, advertisement design and media agencyMember ofI.O. Illustrators organizationStuttgarter Künstlerbund e.V.


PrefaceChapter 1How to start?Where do you have to go?What do you need?MaskFinsSnorkel Snorkeling Equalizing pressureMammalian diving reflexDescend and equalize pressureDescend and ascendFin swimming techniquesClearing the maskDebriefingOptics Underwater vision Underwater hearing Pressure and body air spacesDangers Chapter 2What gear do you need?SCUBA First breathing exercisesThe diving suitBCD and weight belt Fit up your SCUBA Putting on the SCUBAChapter 3Diving practiceThe first dive The right amount of lead Descending Balancing your buoyancy Diving posture Sharing the air Explore, observe and enjoyAscendingMaintain your equipmentChapter 4The science of divingPhysics of diving Pressure and volume What does air consist of?Solution ratio of gasesDecompression sickness Decompression tables .Profile of a dive Additional equipmentChapter 5Boat diving Diving buoy Diving flagEntry from the boatAnchor rope - meeting pointIndicating the diving directionLight under waterWrecks Dangerous animalsEnd of diveEntry into the boat Medical aspectsSunprotectionRecreation First aidGetting your certificateChapter 6Diving and what else belongs to Scuba signsDiver`s log Dangerous sea Checklist and diving bag Divers Code FAQs Secondary education Special certificates Adresses und links Index of keywords

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