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Bibliographische Informationen
ISBN/EAN: 9781402029226
Sprache: Englisch
Seiten: 446 S., 10.72 MB
Auflage: 1. Auflage 2007
Format: PDF
Digitale Rechteverwaltung: Digitales Wasserzeichen


p53 has emerged as a key tumor suppressor and important target for novel cancer therapy. This book, written by world-leading p53 researchers including many of those who have shaped the field over the past 25 years, provides unique insights into the progress of the field and the prospects for better cancer diagnosis and therapy in the future.


Chapter 1: The First Twenty-Five Years of p53 Research; Harlan Robins, Gabriela Alexe, Sandra Harris and A.J. Levine Chapter 2: Regulation of p53 DNA Binding; Kristine McKinney and Carol Prives Chapter 3: 20 Years of DNA Damage Signaling to p53; Kevin G. McLure and Michael B. Kastan Chapter 4: Gatekeepers of the Guardian: p53 Regulation by Post-Translational Modification, MDM2 and MDMX; Geoffrey M. Wahl, Jayne M. Stommel, Kurt Krummel and Mark Wade Chapter 5: Regulation of the p53 Response by Cellular Growth and Survival Factors; Lauren Brown and Samuel Benchimol Chapter 6: p53, Cell Cycle Arrest and Apoptosis; Shulin Wang and Wafik S. El-Deiry Chapter 7: p53 Has a Direct Pro-apoptotic Action at the Mitochondria; Ute M. Moll Chapter 8: Manipulating the p53 Gene in the Mouse: Organismal Functions of a Prototype Tumor Suppressor; Lawrence A. Donehower, Dora Bocangel, Melissa Dumble and Guillermina Lozano Chapter 9: p53, p63, and p73: Internecine Relations? Frank McKeon and Annie Yang Chapter 10: p73, p63 and Mutant p53: Members of Protein Complexs Floating in Cancer Cells; Olimpia Monti, Alexander Damalas, Sabrina Strano and Giovanni Blandino Chapter 11: p53: Gatekeeper, Caretaker or Both? Carlos P. Rubbi and Jo Milner Chapter 12: Analysis of p53 Gene Alterations in Cancer: A Critical View; Thierry Soussi Chapter 13: Patterns of TP53 Mutations in Human Cancer: Interplay Between Mutagenesis, DNA Repair and Selection; Hong Shi, Florence Le Calvez, Magali Olivier and Pierre Hainaut Chapter 14: Prognostic and Predictive Value of TP53 Mutations in Human Cancer; Magali Olivier, Pierre Hainaut and Anne-Lise Børresen-Dale Chapter 15: p53 Links Tumor Development to Cancer Therapy; Michael T. Hemann and Scott W. Lowe Chapter 16:Novel p53-Based Therapies: Strategies and Future Prospects; Sonia Lain and David Lane Chapter 17: Wild Type p53 Conformation, Structural Consequences of p53 Mutations and Mechanisms of Mutant p53 Rescue; Andreas C. Joerger, Assaf Friedler and Alan R. Fersht Chapter 18: Mutant p53 Reactivation as a Novel Strategy for Cancer Therapy; Galina Selivanova, Vladimir J.N. Bykov and Klas G. Wiman Chapter 19: Novel Approaches to p53-Based Therapy: ONYX-015; Frank McCormick Chapter 20: p53 as Seen by an Outsider; George Klein

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