The CEO of Technology

eBook - Lead, Reimagine, and Reinvent to Drive Growth and Create Value in Unprecedented Times, Wiley CIO

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Bibliographische Informationen
ISBN/EAN: 9781119276319
Sprache: Englisch
Seiten: 240 S., 2.56 MB
Auflage: 1. Auflage 2017
Format: PDF
Digitale Rechteverwaltung: Adobe DRM


The CIO playbook, with lessons from the world's best leaders

The CEO of Technology shows today's CIOs how to become exceptional leaders and bring value to their organization. By taking lessons from some of the world's best CEOs, you'll develop the traits and characteristics that drive legendary leadership. Interviews with top executives at leading global technology companies including Apple, Boeing, Direct TV, Facebook, Texas Instruments, and more provide deep and valuable insight into what it means to lead in a hyper-driven tech environment. These stories provide valuable lessons that don't come from a classroom, but only from the in-the-trenches experience of the world's best leaderscoupled with a groundbreaking leadership approach designed for the demands of today's markets, to give you the ultimate CIO handbook. You'll learn how to maximize the value of your greatest assetyour teamand how to drive performance to unprecedented levels. You'll discover how great leaders communicate business strategy across the modern enterprise, and become a driving force behind your organization's success.

The IT industry is experiencing a seismic shift that is revolutionizing the way companies do business. The stakes are high, everything is in flux, and there are no guaranteed paths to success. Whether this revolution means crisis or opportunity is up to you; this book gives you a game-changing approach to IT leadership in the 21st century enterprise.Improve the quality of your leadership and strengthen the C-suite bondAttract top talent, build great teams, and align IT with overall strategic visionBecome the indispensable leader who consistently drives achievementIntegrate technology and business strategy to become a high-value CIO

Modern CIOs face a radically new array of leadership challenges in today's ultra-competitive, highly volatile markets; are you capable of leading the charge to the top?The CEO of Technology offers a visionary approach and the wisdom of experience to help you join the ranks of great leaders.


HUNTER MULLER is the founder, president, and CEO of HMG Strategy, LLC. An industry forerunner with more than three decades of experience advising and coaching in C-suites all over the world, he is a sought-after speaker and accomplished author of numerous books, includingThe Big Shift in IT Leadership,Leading the Epic Revolution,On Top of the Cloud, andThe Transformational CIO, all published by Wiley.


Preface Creating a Culture of Genius: Lead, Reimagine and Reinvent vii

Acknowledgments xi

Introduction Are You Ready for 2030? 1

Chapter 1 Qualities of Courageous Leadership 9

Chapter 2 What Keeps the CEO up at Night 39

Chapter 3 Driving Innovation across the Enterprise 59

Chapter 4 Leaders of Transformational Change 79

Chapter 5 Elevation and Career Ascent 109

Chapter 6 The Eyes and Ears of the Enterprise 135

Chapter 7 Building a Robust Network of Partners 155

Chapter 8 Key Takeaways 167

Recommended Reading 177

Meet Our Expert Sources 179

About the Author 217

About HMG Strategy 221

Index 223

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